We've changed the way online Classifieds are utilized. To many, when they think of online classifieds, they think of the likes of Craigslist, Oodle, eBay classifieds(Kijiji) and a few others. But they are so old school they throw you into a cesspool of boredom. A mindless search for things you think you need that others don't. Yes, they serve a purpose and sometimes you can score big time! So do not underestimate the power of classified advertising. Just re-think how you can use classified advertising.
In today's world. We have other avenues to sell our products, services and selves. IE: Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Etsy, Twitter and a host of others. But just because you have accounts and pages at these sites, does not mean it's the end all to end all. You still must get people to see your pages. But how? Where? Of course you can cross pollinate and advertise your Facebook page on Twitter and so on, but it's a sea of posts one after the other. How do you know if your post is even seen let alone read and acted upon.
This is where Filibi comes in. Filibi is an acronym for Find it, Love it, Buy it. We are an online classified advertising site, and yes we have the usual cast of categories for buying and selling but what sets us apart is we are a classified advertising site for today's world. We offer categories that no others offer and, placing a classified ad on Filibi is quick, easy and - best of all - FREE!
We offer you a place to advertise your Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube videos, Etsy Shops, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Online Businesses, and a whole lot more. Looking for a category that's not listed? Just contact us and we will review it. You never know, we may just add it. We allow you to add images and ample space for your description like the others, but we also allow you to add your Twitter feed, Your Facebook Like Box and YouTube Videos all for one low fee of nothing, zero, zip, nada... aka Free. And we allow you to add the URL of your website, Etsy Shop, Twitter account, YouTube channel or Facebook page, group or personal account if you wish.
Now why should you advertise or sell on Filibi? Organic Traffic, More Exposure, Categorized Exposure and of course to make more Sales. Now we can't promise more sales, likes, fans etc. but we can promise Organic Traffic.
And again: Do Not Underestimate the Power of Classified Advertising.
Organic traffic is VERY important, if not MORE important to your Facebook page, than actual page Likes. Organic traffic is VERY important to your Twitter account, YouTube videos, Etsy Shops, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Online Businesses. You could use other social media to gain free exposure or you could use our service and gain unlimited organic traffic for as long as you want for free.
Come on over to Filibi.com and join our growing family of online entrepreneurs and advertise, promote, get the word out, buy, sell, save and just have fun browsing our site today!
I loved the post, keep posting interesting posts. Classified Ads in India